According to backend, I require to pass 3 argument through post request, this backend function is:
public ResponseModel Post([FromBody] CourseFileUpload item, string fileName, Stream fileToUpload)
now I am trying to pass the argument like this:
uploadFile(uploadData:ModelToFileSteam):Observable<ModelToFileSteam> {
const fileName = uploadData.fileName;
console.log('file name is', fileName);
const headers = new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin':'*' });
return<ModelToFileSteam>(environment.baseUrl+`CourseFileUpload`, uploadData.fileToUpload, uploadData.fileName, uploadData.uploadStream)
map(data => {
return data;
} ),
But getting error, not able to pass 3 arguments at all. what is the correct way to do this?
any one help me?
I will suggest wrapping all in a single object. And send it to backend.
Or just send uploadData
return<ModelToFileSteam>(environment.baseUrl+`CourseFileUpload`, uploadData)
map(data => {
return data;
} ),
And in the backend, you can get uploadDate like req.body.uploadData
To check you can console.log(uploadData.fileName);