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Firebase OTP only works in some devices - Swift 4

I am using firebase authentication in my device. I have followed every steps in firebase documentation. The OTP works in the devices that I used for testing purpose. But when I download the app from AppStore, It does not work. Please help me to get rid of this issue. Thanks in advance.


  • I got the answer.

    There were 2 things wrong with what I was done.

    1. When I created SSL certificate (For push notification) from App Ids under 'Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles' tab in, The certificate was not created for production. So I created one for production.

    enter image description here

    1. I forgot to create APNs key. So I created APNs key from Keys under 'Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles' tab in Then I uploaded it in the firebase App ( After you select your project, you can find a gear icon in the firebase website. Select project settings from there and click on the cloud messaging tab. And there you can find the option to upload APNs certificate.