I'm writing simple Unit Tests for all my Saga Handlers, basically just making sure the Messages are being caught/handled at all.
However, one of the Saga Handlers calls ReplyToOriginator and right now it's throwing an Exception because the Test Context isn't recognized as a valid Originator.
More specifically, my relevant code looks like this:
public void Initialize()
_context = new TestableMessageHandlerContext();
_process = new ActionProcess() { Data = new ActionProcess.ActionSagaData() };
public async Task ActionProcess_ActionSentHandler_ShouldHandleMessage()
// Arrange
var cmd = new ActionSent();
// Act
await _process.Handle(cmd, _context);
// Assert
public async Task Handle(ActionSent message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
var actionProcessCompletedReply = new ActionProcessCompleted()
await ReplyToOriginator(context, actionProcessCompletedReply);
And the Test fails with the following Exception being passed up:
System.Exception: Entity.Originator cannot be null. Perhaps the sender is a SendOnly endpoint.
Can anyone offer some advice as to how to solve this problem? Am I perhaps testing the Saga Handlers in a way that's not appropriate?
expects to have originator set from the original message coming in. Since this is a test, the originator is not set automatically and you'd have to set it manually by assigning _process.Data.Originator
some arbitrary value.