This question is in reference to the following instructions:
I have configured the VLANs (public and private) that my Vyatta is associated with as "route through" from the gateway appliance settings on the SoftLayer portal.
After ssh-ing into the Vyatta, I try to configure it to effecitvely route the VLANs using the above instructions:
vyatta@vyatta-dal13# set interfaces bonding dp0bond1 vif 2586 address
Configuration path: interfaces bonding dp0bond1 vif 2586 address [] is not valid
Must have one of the following values: dhcp, dhcpv6, <x.x.x.x/x>, <h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h/x>
Value validation failed
Set failed
However, I get the error you see above. I don't understand why it is failing to validate that CIDR. It looks valid to me. Appreciate any hints here to move forward.
The command configures an IP address of dp0bond1. So, is used because is a network address. Please try with