I am trying to create a Pie chart as markers in Spotfire map to Show Yes/No answers. How do I do to Display yes and No in pie Sector's instead of Percentage? I am attaching an Excel Spreadsheet with Data with this.
I am expecting to get individual Pie chart for each well in the Spotfire map. For example for WELL_1 Data, the pie chart should have two sectors of two different colors one for YES and one for NO and Sector 1 Should show PRODUCTION, COMPLETION Labels(for yes Category) inside the sector and the Other sector Should show PVT, Image Lables (for no category).
I have tried using the Pie marker option in Spotfire Settings, but not getting the result I am expecting. Any help would be appreciated.
while Spotfire excels at reading data up and down columns, it's not really designed to read left to right across rows.
you will need to unpivot your table to be tall-and-skinny instead of short-and-wide.
I recommend to start by adding a linked copy of your data table. this way your original table isn't changed, so any visualizations you've already built won't break.
since you haven't specified your Spotfire version, I'll assume you're using 10.x, and my screenshots will reflect that. I'll also be calling your original table Data Table
, because I'm lazy and didn't change it in my screenshots ;)
Data Table
Data Table unpivot
to distinguish it, then click OKCASE
WHEN [Category] in ("PRODUCTION", "COMPLETION") THEN "Sector 1"
WHEN [Category] in ("PVT", "IMAGE") THEN "Other"
now that you've got the data configured, you can set up the pie chart as needed. here's a sample of that which I put together quickly. I set up the pies on a trellis to illustrate how it might look in your map.