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Angular 7 & JQWidgets - Export Grid data from another component

I am experimenting with Angular 7 and JQWidgets. I am working on Grid component and want to export Grid's data from another component called settings. I worked on the demo (available here) and I created the following component:

import { Component, ElementRef, Input, AfterViewInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import { jqxDropDownListComponent } from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxdropdownlist';
import { jqxGridComponent } from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxgrid';

  selector: 'app-mydemo',
  templateUrl: './mydemo.component.html'

export class MydemoComponent{
    @ViewChild('myGrid') myGrid: jqxGridComponent;
    @ViewChild('myDropDownList') myDropDownList: jqxDropDownListComponent;

    exportFiletype: any;

    constructor() { }

    exportBtnOnClick() {
        this.exportFiletype = this.myDropDownList.getSelectedItem().value;
        switch (this.exportFiletype) {
            case 'Excel':
                this.myGrid.exportdata('xls', 'jqxGrid', true, null, true, '');
            case 'CSV':
                this.myGrid.exportdata('csv', 'jqxGrid', true, null, true, '');

My problem is with this.myGrid referrring to the Grid in the other component. How can I refer straight to it?


  • Updated as per new information:-

    Use one of the models to interact between components.

    Following is the example of template variables.

    Main Component

    //showing only html
    <my-grid #myGrid><my-grid>
    <my-dropdown [grid]="myGrid.jqxGrid"><my-dropdown>

    Component A (my-dropdown)

    Use onSelect and you can pass in your myDropDownList reference as well that way you can pass whatever reference you will

    Bind to the select event of jqxDropDownList.

    import { Component } from "@angular/core";
        selector: "my-dropdown",
        template: `
            <jqxDropDownList #myDropDownList (onSelect)="exportTo($event)"
                [width]="200" [height]="25" [source]="source" [selectedIndex]="1">
    export class MyDropDown{
        @Input() grid: jqxGridComponent
        exportTo(event: any): void 
            if (this.grid) {
        source: string[] =

    Component B - Grid component

    template: `
    <jqxGrid #jqxGrid [theme]="'material'"
        [width]="getWidth()" [source]="dataAdapter" [columns]="columns"
        [pageable]="true" [autoheight]="true" [sortable]="true" 
        [altrows]="true"  [enabletooltips]="true"  [editable]="true" 
        [selectionmode]="'multiplecellsadvanced'" [columngroups]="columngroups">
    export class MyGrid {
         @ViewChild('jqxGrid') jqxGrid: jqxGridComponent;