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How to overwrite part of <template> element in custom element inheritance?

I have parent Custom Element, BasicSwitcher, which has its shadow dom html template:

const template_basic_switcher = document.createElement('template');
template_basic_switcher.innerHTML = `
    @import url("")

<div id="controls-container">

Now I have another Custom Element, ModeSwitcher, inheriting from BasicSwitcher. It has completely different switches.

Is there a way to overwrite just the controls-container part of the template, while still utilizing other part? the element doesn't seem to support any kind of inheritance.


  • 1) Create class for you Base Custom Element with a defaut render() method.

    class BasicSwitcher extends HTMLElement {
        render() {
            this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = baseTemplate      

    2) Extend the above class for your inherited Custum Element, and redefine the render() method and use the reference to the new template.

    class ModeSwicher extends BasicSwitch () {
        render() {
            this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = otherTemplate      

    Below is a working snippet:

    class BasicSwitcher extends HTMLElement {
        constructor() {
            this.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } )
        render() {
            this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = BS.innerHTML
    customElements.define( 'basic-switch', BasicSwitcher ) 
    class ModeSwitcher extends BasicSwitcher {
        render() {
            this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = MS.innerHTML
    customElements.define( 'mode-switch', ModeSwitcher )
    <template id=BS>
      <style> :host { display: inline-block ; border: 1px solid gray } </style>
      <span>Basic Switch</span>
    <template id=MS>
      <style> :host { display: inline-block ; border: 1px dotted blue ; color: red } </style>
      <span>Mode Switch</span>