This answer uses assertion( Rest == [] )?
pharse/3 is
phrase(:DCGBody, ?List, ?Rest)
Since phrase/2 is equivalent to phrase(DCGBody, InputList, []).
which is just Rest = []
and in the test case Rest == []
, whats the point? What benefit does adding assertion( Rest == [] )
phrase(GB__2, Xs, [])
is equivalent to phrase(GB__2, Xs)
but it is not necessarily the case that the first solution of phrase(GB__2, Xs0,Xs)
will be Xs == []
Here is a minimal example:
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars).
ao1 --> "a" | [].
ao2 --> [] | "a".
While phrase(aoX, "a")
just succeeds for both, phrase(aoX, "a", Xs)
shows a difference in the sequence of solutions found.
?- phrase(ao1, "a", Xs).
Xs = "a"
; Xs = [].
?- phrase(ao2, "a", Xs).
Xs = []
; Xs = "a".