The site I'm working with returns empty arrays for optional fields that have no values.
i.e. given these definitions -
case class Sample(f1: Option[Seq[F1]], id: Option[Int])
implicit val formatF1 = jsonFormat4(F1)
implicit val formatSample = jsonFormat2(Sample)
I get this -
instead of -
Is there an easy way to return None if the inbound is empty? I'm only interested in the read side, I won't be writing json.
I never used this plugin, but base on what I've read. I think you want something like this one.
import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
// Example Class for F1.
case class F1(value: String) extends AnyVal
case class Sample(f1: Option[Seq[F1]], id: Option[Int])
implicit val formatF1 = jsonFormat4(F1)
implicit object SampleFormat extends JsonFormat[Sample] {
// Custom Reads validation.
def read(json: JsValue): Record = json match {
case JsObject(v) =>
try {
val F1_JSON = v("f1").convertTo[Seq[F1]]
if (F1_JSON.isEmpty) None else Some(F1_JSON)
} catch {
case _ => deserializationError("Cannot De-serialize to Sample object.")
case _ => deserializationError("Not a Sample Object.")