I've got a flow where I want a codepipeline to trigger on git commits on Github, go via some test and build steps and end in a codedeploy step where the code will be deployed on a ECS cluster with blue/green-deployment. But I'm stuck on the last step on how to get the image to the CodeDeploy-step.
The pipeline looks like this:
Source (GitHub) -> Test -> Build, creates a docker image which is uploaded to ECR. Artifact contains appspec.yaml, taskdefinition.json, imagedefinitions.json. -> Deploy (CodeDeployToECS), using artifact from the build step.
The last step in the pipeline is configured with the "CodeDeployToECS" provider. But what I cannot get my head around is how I get the image that is created in the build step to end up in the CodeDeploy step which is using blue/green-deployment.
I've checked out this guide: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/tutorials-ecs-ecr-codedeploy.html but they are using a image from the source step as artifact in the CodeDeploy step which don't match my use case.
This guide is to deploy with ECS with a rolling update which creates, on the fly, a imagedefinitions.json that I'm trying to apply but won't work: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ecs-cd-pipeline.html
With the above setup the Deploy step just tells me the image artifact is invalid. Any pointers if this is possible or any workaround?
I found the answer, to create a image artifact you need to generate the file imageDetail.json
which is a JSON object with one property named ImageURI with the URI to the image. I followed this thread to get to this fact: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/message.jspa?messageID=881131