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Replacing row elements in a dataframe based on values from another dataframe

I'm fairly new to R so I hope somebody can help me. An output table in one of my scripts is the averagetable below showing different proportions of the event Standing in three different clusters:

> print(averagetable)
   Group.1  Standing
1 cluster1  0.5642857
2 cluster2  0.7795848
3 cluster3  0.7922980

Note that R can assign different cluster names (cluster1, cluster2 or cluster3) to the values on averagetable$Standing each time I'm running the scrip. Another output can be:

> print(averagetable)
   Group.1 Standing
1 cluster1 0.7795848
2 cluster2 0.5642857
3 cluster3 0.7922980

On the other hand, my script produces the tableresults dataframe. Please find a head() sample below:

> head(tableresults)
1         19         21         28        cluster3
2         20         14         24        cluster3
3         34         35         49        cluster3
4         18          5         19        cluster2
5         23         27         35        cluster3
6         33         20         39        cluster3

My question is fairly simple. I would like to transform the data in tableresults changing the string in the column winning_cluster based on three rules:

1) Write Standing in tableresults$wining_cluster replacing it by the cluster name having the highest Standing value in averagetable.

2) Write Moving/Feeding in tableresults$wining_cluster replacing it by the cluster name having the second highest Standing value in averagetable.

3) Write Feeding/Moving in tableresults$wining_cluster replacing it by the cluster name having the third highest Standing value in averagetable.

In other words, this is the output desired:

> head(tableresults_output)
1         19         21         28        Standing
2         20         14         24        Standing
3         34         35         49        Standing
4         18          5         19        Moving/Feeding
5         23         27         35        Standing
6         33         20         39        Standing

Note that it is very important to have a value-based, hierarchical component that will assign conditions 1) 2) or 3) depending on averagetable values. This is not solved by using:

averagetable$classification <- factor(x = as.character(sort(averagetable$Standing)),
                labels = c('Feeding/Moving', 'Moving/Feeding','Standing'))

With this command Standing will be always linked to cluster1, Moving/Feeding to cluster2 and Feeding/Moving to cluster3 and that is not necessarily true when averagetable is regenerated.

Anyways, any help is appreciated and I hope my question was interesting enough for the forum.


  • Here's a stab:

    tableresults <- read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, text="
      ACTIVITY_X ACTIVITY_Y ACTIVITY_Z winning_cluster
    1         19         21         28        cluster3
    2         20         14         24        cluster3
    3         34         35         49        cluster3
    4         18          5         19        cluster2
    5         23         27         35        cluster3
    6         33         20         39        cluster3")
    averagetable <- read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, text="
       Group.1  Standing
    1 cluster1  0.5642857
    2 cluster2  0.7795848
    3 cluster3  0.7922980")
    averagetable$x <- c("Standing", "Moving/Feeding", "Feeding/Moving")[ rank(-averagetable$Standing) ]
    merge(tableresults, averagetable[,c(1,3)], by.x="winning_cluster", by.y="Group.1")
    #   winning_cluster ACTIVITY_X ACTIVITY_Y ACTIVITY_Z              x
    # 1        cluster2         18          5         19 Moving/Feeding
    # 2        cluster3         19         21         28       Standing
    # 3        cluster3         20         14         24       Standing
    # 4        cluster3         34         35         49       Standing
    # 5        cluster3         23         27         35       Standing
    # 6        cluster3         33         20         39       Standing