I have MySQL visits table as
visit_date client_id
2019-01-01 08-00-00 1
2019-01-01 11-00-00 2
work_hours table as
hour name
8 '08-00'
9 '09-00'
18 '18-00'
and tables clients as
client_id client_name
1 aaa
2 bbb
3 ccc
How to create a view to get data?
client_id hour_name count
1 '08-00' 1
1 '09-00' 0
1 '18-00' 0
2 '08-00' 0
2 '09-00' 0
2 '10-00' 0
2 '11-00' 1
2 '12-00' 0
2 '18-00' 0
3 '08-00' 0
3 '09-00' 0
..... all zero
3 '18-00' 0
Try this:
SELECT c.client_id, w.hour_name,
FROM visits v
WHERE v.client_id = c.client_id
AND HOUR(v.visit_date) = w.hour) as tot_visit
FROM clients c
CROSS JOIN work_hours w
ORDER BY c.client_id, w.hour_name
See SQL Fiddle