The problem I'm facing is:
I have a request and need to check 3 types of responses for this request. Each time I need to slightly modify my request body before sending it.
dredd --names:
info: Users > User Operations > Update User > Example 1
skip: PUT (204) myurl/users/userid-123
info: Users > User Operations > Update User > Example 2
skip: PUT (422) myurl/users/userid-123
info: Users > User Operations > Update User > Example 3
skip: PUT (429) myurl/users/userid-123
My idea was in the before hook do something like "cucumber-style":
before(/^Users > User Operations > Update User > Example (1|2|3)$/) do |myvar|
Here run loop from 1 to 3 and do necessary changes
But after several trials this doesn't seem to work, looks like ruby-hooks doesn't support variables in names.
Any ideas what would be the proper approach for this case, since having separate before-hook for every single request doesn't seem right here?
I don't think the Ruby hooks support regular expressions in the transaction names. A simple workaround would be to catch all and distinguish the transactions in the hook itself:
before_each do |transaction|
if (1|2|3)$/)