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How to kill/terminate a running AWS Lambda function?

I have a lambda function that runs over a period of ~10mins. Decently long for a Lambda but given our current needs/setup it's the simplest way for it to do what we need it to do.

However, a recent bug in our Lambda code made the lambda go haywire and basically DOS our own server. This is where I realized I have no idea how to kill this process if ever I need to (vs just wait for it to end/timeout). so...

Is there a way to do terminate a running lambda process from the AWS console? Is there a way to do it via AWS CLI?


  • There's no way to kill a running lambda. However, you can set concurrency limit to 0 to stop it from starting any more executions


    $ aws lambda put-function-concurrency --function-name my-function --reserved-concurrent-executions 0