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How to apply CONTAINS clause on hierarchical categories to create scenario analysis in Power BI

Building upon the solution given by @olly (Power BI: How to scenario analysis, where the selector "looks up" the select value from slicer and gets values from that row) & file:

In the sample file a "what if" or scenario analysis is created. Two slicers are used, one which selects the scenario, and another one which selects the objects to apply the scenario on. @Olly provided a clever solution to deal with the situation:

Value + Trend = 
    'Demo Fact Table';
    'Demo Fact Table'[Value] * 
        ( 1 +
            IF ( 
                ISFILTERED ( 'Item Chooser'[Item] ) &&
                CONTAINS ( 
                    'Item Chooser';
                    'Item Chooser'[Item];
                    'Demo Fact Table'[Item]
                ) && 
                HASONEVALUE ( 'Scenario - Trend'[Category] );
                VALUES ( 'Scenario - Trend'[Trend Rise] );
                'Demo Fact Table'[trend_default]

Building upon this solution I've been trying to apply the same logic, but to my specific problem. In my problem I don't only have a single layer of "categories", but instead hierarchy of 3 levels. How would I go on about applying the same solution if my categories had hierarchies? So from my slicer I would select three things: Category1, Year and Category2, which would yield the trend_rise for the selection. and would apply this apply this trend_rise on the selected (4th slicer) rows, i.e. (item A,B or/and C)

category1      -   Year - Category2 - trend rise
POSITIVE-trends    2018   low         5%
POSITIVE-trends    2018   high        5%
POSITIVE-trends    2017   low         5%
NEGATIVE-trends    2017   very high   -5%
NEUTRAL-trends     2018   low         0%
POSITIVE-trends    2018   high        5%
NEUTRAL-trends     2017   low         5%
NEUTRAL-trends     2016   very high   15%


  • You only need a small tweak to the measure, to check whether the trend_rise field has one value, and if so then use that, otherwise use the default:

    Value + Trend = 
    SUMX ( 
        'Demo Fact Table',
        'Demo Fact Table'[Value] * 
            ( 1 +
                IF ( 
                    ISFILTERED ( 'Item Chooser'[Item] ) &&
                    CONTAINS ( 
                        'Item Chooser',
                        'Item Chooser'[Item],
                        'Demo Fact Table'[Item]
                    ) && 
                    HASONEVALUE ( 'Scenario - Trend'[Trend Rise] ),
                    VALUES ( 'Scenario - Trend'[Trend Rise] ),
                    'Demo Fact Table'[trend_default]

    Now you can use slicers on all columns of your Scenario table.

    See for worked example file.