I would like to write Pharo Smalltalk scripts that load and save Smalltalk packages to disk in tonel format but I don't understand the API for saving packages.
Loading from Tonel on disk into the image works like this:
(TonelReader on: aRepositoryDirectory fileName: packageName)
version load.
but what is the inverse operation that saves a package onto disk? (assuming that the package name and target directory are supplied.)
(I explicitly want to avoid using advanced tools like Metacello and Iceberg here. I want to either use the Tonel library directly or else Monticello without depending on any previous repository configuration.)
Perhaps unsurprisingly, it looks like the inverse of TonelReader
is implemented by TonelWriter
[[[ TonelWriter on: ('someDirectory' asFileReference ensureCreateDirectory) ]]]
Here is a full example courtesy Luke:
[ :packageName :directory |
TonelWriter fileOut: packageName asPackage mcWorkingCopy on: directory.
] value: 'BaselineOfTonel' value: '/tmp/tonel-test'