I cloned and modified a LogChimp Jekyll theme locally on my Windows 10 and pushed my changes to an online Github Pages repository titled "Timeline".
I input bundle exec jekyll serve
in my terminal and my website displays correctly locally. After I push my changes to my online repo, the website does not display correctly and is blank.
Here is my config.yml
title: Timeline – A Log of Life Events
url: http://www.joshuagalan.com/timeline
#logo: assets/img/logchimp.png
teams: true # Show team members
terminology: Changelog # By default we call this a changelog, but some might want to call it "release notes", or "changes" (Changelog, Release notes, Changes, Updates, News)
# Build settings
baseurl: /timeline/
theme: logchimp
permalink: /:title/
# Exclude from processing.
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock
- node_modules
- vendor/bundle/
- vendor/cache/
- vendor/gems/
- vendor/ruby/
- .git
Am I doing something wrong?
Your jekyll theme is not supported on github pages (see supported gems).
You can either pull generated pages to github in a different branch, or use another provider like Netlify.