I am trying to implement Kartsuba's algorithm in C, I followed the pseudo code on Wikipedia, but the problem is I don't always get the correct result.
here is the implementation:
long long karatsuba(char* a,char* b){
if (atoi(a)<10 || atoi(b)<10)
return atoi(a)*atoi(b);
int m = ((strlen(a)<strlen(b))?strlen(a):strlen(b))/2;
char* high1 = slice(a,0,m);
char* low1 = slice(a,m,strlen(a)-m);
char* high2 = slice(b,0,m);
char* low2 = slice(b,m,strlen(b)-m);
long long z0 = karatsuba(low1,low2);
long long z1 = karatsuba(add(low1,high1),add(low2,high2));
long long z2 = karatsuba(high1,high2);
return (z2*pow(10,m*2))+((z1-z2-z0)*pow(10,m)) + z0;
this is the slice
function, it is used to partition a number into 2:
char* slice(char* s,int a,int n){
char* r = calloc(n+1,sizeof(char));
return r;
And this is the add
function which is used to add 2 numbers:
char* add(char* a,char* b){
char* r = calloc((strlen(a)>strlen(b)?strlen(a):strlen(b))+2,sizeof(char));
return r;
P.S: Just out of curiosity, I saw in many implementations the use of max (size(num1),size(num2)) instead of min, is that ok and does it change anything?
thanks to @greybeard's comment, apparently the problem was that I partitioned the numbers in a way that the most significant part has m digits, instead it should be the least significant part, so to fix it:
I changed this part:
char* high1 = slice(a,0,m);
char* low1 = slice(a,m,strlen(a)-m);
char* high2 = slice(b,0,m);
char* low2 = slice(b,m,strlen(b)-m);
char* high1 = slice(a,0,strlen(a)-m);
char* low1 = slice(a,strlen(a)-m,m);
char* high2 = slice(b,0,strlen(b)-m);
char* low2 = slice(b,strlen(b)-m,m);