I have a personal Editor that implements its own "protocol" for Code completion and would like to switch to Language server protocol to relieve myself from some development burden. However I have not been able to fully comprehend the LSP Documentation concerning client implementation. It's mixed up with Server implementation and cannot find clear difference between the two.
Much of online documentation (including questions on SO) revolved around VSCode extensions of which I have zero knowledge and are not helpful.
I would appreciate any help to get started writing a simple client that just queries autocomplete. I write my editor in C++ and would appreciate any tutorial that explains how to create client. I can understand Python, C, C#, Pure JavaScript, C++, PHP and similar languages, so I can easily follow any tutorial in those languages.
If anything is not clear let me know so that I can explain (this being my first post in LSP :) )
Mattie of course lead me to the right direction. The most difficult was for me to understand the request/response. LSP have a very helpful page on that with unfortunate name (IMHO) that had misled me , "inspection". It turns out to be a good example on request/response.