I have to update a complicated RealURL configuration to the new site configuration in V9. I get 404 errors and unwanted redirects, so I need something to debug the routing.
While debugging through core files I realized TYPO3 uses Symfony Routing, and Symfony has already a debug interface: https://symfony.com/doc/current/routing/debug.html Is it possible to use it for debugging TYPO3 routes as well? If yes, can you tell me how to do this?
If not, some hints about the main routing classes/functions would be helpfull, so I can write myself some PHP debug output. My problems are with routeEnhancers and aspects.
Can you point to what is the issue exactly here?
As Symfony Routing works with static routes w/ modifiers by default ("I have a list of 100 URL endpoints"), and TYPO3 has dynamic routes (populated by the database) the simple debug tool from Symfony Routing does not work here.
When it comes to resolving, the "PageResolver" PSR-15 middleware and the "PageRouter" is a good start when debugging.