I'm using the Angular package for Semantic UI https://edcarroll.github.io/ng2-semantic-ui/#/getting-started
I have a searchable, dropdown select like so:
<sui-select class="selection" [options]="myOptionsModel" [isSearchable]="true" #questionSearch>
<sui-select-option *ngFor="let option of questionSearch.filteredOptions" [value]="option"></sui-select-option>
Whenever I update myOptionsModel
, the options in the select don't update accordingly..(i.e. if I add or remove an item, the change doesn't get reflected)
Here's how I'm updating myOptionsModel
Upon a click event from some button, this function is called:
addOption(name: string, id: number) {
this.myOptionsModel.push({name: name, id: id})
I've tried multiple approaches like using optionsLookUp
but no luck.. Can you help?
You are trying to update an async object with sync logic.
myOptionsModel should be an observable Then you HTML template can bind to Its changes
TS file
myOptionsModel$: BehaviorSubject<MyObjectType[]> = new BehaviorSubject([]);
addOption(name: string, id: number) {
const updatedModel = this.myOptionsModel$.value.concat([{id, name}])
HTML file
[options]="myOptionsModel$ | async"