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How to validate a jwt token programmatically in Symfony?

Using LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle, it is possible to validate a passed token within a controller?

p.s. I am aware that I can do $this->getUser() that returns the User if the user was authenticated and null otherwise. But that is not what I'm after.

I wish to know if there is something of the sort isTokenValid('the-token-string'); that gives a true/false response ?


  • inject JWTEncoderInterface to your controller,

    public function __construct(JWTEncoderInterface $jwtEncoder)
      $this->jwtEncoder = $jwtEncoder;

    then in your method you can decode the token like this

    try {
        } catch (JWTDecodeFailureException $ex) {
                // if no exception thrown then the token could be used

    if no exception is thrown then the token could be used. be aware that the exception is thrown if

    • token is not valid
    • token is expired
    • token is not verified

    but if you want to specifically know which one is occurred you should inject
    JWSProviderInterface to your controller

    public function __construct(JWSProviderInterface $jwsProvider)
      $this->jwsProvider = $jwsProvider;

    and in your method call load action of it like this

          $jws = $this->jwsProvider->load($token);
       }catch(\Exception $e){
       if (!$jws->isInvalid()) {
             //if  token is valid
        if (!$jws->isExpired()) {
             //if  token is not expired
       if ($jws->isVerified()) {
            //if  token is verified