I'm using survplot function from the survival
package. The survival plots with confidence intervals are producing nicely, but now I've faced a problem with transforming the plots to cumulative incidence curves. The curve itself is producing correctly, but when using the conf = "bars"
function the confidence intervals remain in the survival setting. The "bands"
and "diffbands"
, however, are working correctly.
I'll bring you a simple reproducible example:
Data <- data.frame("time" = sample(1:500), "death" = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 500, replace = TRUE))
Data$SurvObj <- with(Data, Surv(Data$time, Data$death == 1))
km.as.one <- npsurv(SurvObj ~ 1, data = Data, conf.type = "log-log")
Here's the problem:
survplot(km.as.one, fun=function(y) 1 - y, conf = "bars")
However, these are working correctly:
survplot(km.as.one, conf = "bars")
survplot(km.as.one, fun=function(y) 1 - y, conf = "bands")
Is there any possible solutions for this problem? I guess the ggplot2
package would do this correctly, but I've produced quite a number of survival plots already with the survival
package, so changing the package now would cause a lot of extra work.
If you are tired of waiting for teh mods to rms to make it to CRAN, you can just take the converse of the values under consideration:
km.as.one$surv <- 1-km.as.one$surv
km.as.one$lower <- 1-km.as.one$lower
km.as.one$upper <- 1-km.as.one$upper
survplot(km.as.one, fun=function(y) y, conf = "bars")
Heh, just noticed the "dot" at (0,1).
If instead of using the hacking of the three vectors in the object one instead uses the fun
survplot(km.as.one, fun=function(y) 1-y, conf = "bars")
... one discovers that the line gets transformed but the points and errorbars do not. If you modify the code:
.... and copy to a code editor, then apply the value of fun
to the points and error bars near the end of the body of that rather long function:
surv.plot.npsurv <- <- function (fit, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, time.inc, state = NULL,
# lines 2-289 of original code suppressed
ss <- fun(v$surv[j]) # lines 290-292 when doing this in Rstudio's code editor.
lower <- fun(v$lower[j])
upper <- fun(v$upper[j])
# rest of original code