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R survplot function with confidence bars not working correctly

I'm using survplot function from the survival package. The survival plots with confidence intervals are producing nicely, but now I've faced a problem with transforming the plots to cumulative incidence curves. The curve itself is producing correctly, but when using the conf = "bars" function the confidence intervals remain in the survival setting. The "bands" and "diffbands", however, are working correctly.

I'll bring you a simple reproducible example:

Data <- data.frame("time" = sample(1:500), "death" = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 500, replace = TRUE))
Data$SurvObj <- with(Data, Surv(Data$time, Data$death == 1)) <- npsurv(SurvObj ~ 1, data = Data, conf.type = "log-log")

Here's the problem:

survplot(, fun=function(y) 1 - y, conf = "bars")

However, these are working correctly:

survplot(, conf = "bars")
survplot(, fun=function(y) 1 - y, conf = "bands")

Is there any possible solutions for this problem? I guess the ggplot2 package would do this correctly, but I've produced quite a number of survival plots already with the survival package, so changing the package now would cause a lot of extra work.


  • If you are tired of waiting for teh mods to rms to make it to CRAN, you can just take the converse of the values under consideration:$surv <-$surv$lower <-$lower$upper <-$upper
    survplot(, fun=function(y) y, conf = "bars")

    enter image description here

    Heh, just noticed the "dot" at (0,1).

    If instead of using the hacking of the three vectors in the object one instead uses the fun parameter:

    survplot(, fun=function(y) 1-y, conf = "bars")

    ... one discovers that the line gets transformed but the points and errorbars do not. If you modify the code:


    .... and copy to a code editor, then apply the value of fun to the points and error bars near the end of the body of that rather long function:

        surv.plot.npsurv <- <- function (fit, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab,, state = NULL, 
        # lines 2-289 of original code  suppressed
        ss <- fun(v$surv[j])    # lines 290-292 when doing this in Rstudio's code editor.
        lower <- fun(v$lower[j])
        upper <- fun(v$upper[j])
         # rest of original code

    enter image description here