I am trying to create a model in which manufacturers can post a load which needs to be shipped and a transporter can post that his truck is going from point A to point B. If the Origin, Destination and load(to be transported and truck capacity) matches then both of them are notified like a tinder match.
I have tried researching on automatic matching but the closest I come to is the Hungarian Algorithm that solves the assignment problem, but I am not so sure if it's the right direction or not.
In the model I have already created input forms for both sections i.e. manufacturers and transporters and the data is saved in a Database. I am thinking of applying a trigger function which rechecks for a best match everytime a new entry comes in Database
Here is the Data from both input forms:
M_ID From To M_Type T_Type T_Length T_Weight #Trucks Loading_Time
1025 A B Boxes Open 12-Tyre 22 3 27-March-2019 6:00PM
1029 C D Cylinders Trailer HIGH 23 2 28-March-2019 6:00PM
1989 G H Scrap Open 14-Tyre 25 5 26-March-2019 9:00PM
T_ID From To T_Type T_Length T_Weight #Trucks Price
6569 A B Open 12-Tyre 22 5 1500
8658 G H Open 14-Tyre 25 10 1200
4595 A B Open 12-Tyre 22 3 1000
1252 A B Trailer Low 28 5 1800
We can see that Transporter 4595 is the best match for Manufacturer 1025 and Transporter 6569 is the second best. I want to match both of them and also show the manufacturer that he has another option too.
This problem could be seen as a directed graph, where an edge from a vertex A
to another vertex B
represents the truck going from A
to B
(or the manufacturer wanting the load to get transported from A
to B
), and weight of the edge could be used to represent the amount of load (or truck capacity).
You could use an adjacency matrix each for both manufacturer and transporter. Each time a new entry is filled into either of the matrix (let's say manufacturer's matrix), the corresponding entry is checked is checked in the other matrix (transporter's matrix), and the loads are also compared to see if there is a match.
class trans_struct(T_ID, T_Type, T_Length, Trucks, Price):
def __init__(self, T_ID, T_Type, T_Length, Trucks, Price)
self.T_ID = T_ID
self.T_Length = T_Length
self.T_Trucks = T_Trucks
self.T_Type = T_Type
self.T_Price = T_Price
class man_struct(M_ID, M_Type, T_Length, Trucks, Loading_Time):
def __init__(self, M_ID, M_Type, T_Length, Trucks, Loading_Time)
self.M_ID = M_ID
self.T_Length = T_Length
self.T_Trucks = T_Trucks
self.T_Type = T_Type
self.T_Price = T_Price
dicti = {A:0, B:1, C:2} #dictionary to map places to integeral indexes
num_places = len(dicti)
trans_mat = [[[] for __ in range(num_places)] for _ in range(num_places)] #initialize transport matrix to a default value
manf_mat = [[[] for __ in range(num_places)] for _ in range(num_places)]
def manf_input():
#take input for manufacturer's data in this func into the structure object
manf_mat[dicti[A]][dicti[B]].append((struct.T_Weight, struct)) #assuming manufacturer wanted to move goods from A to B
check_for_match(A, B) #function to compare corresponding matrix entries each time a new entry is inserted
def check_for_match(A, B, T_Length):
for entry in trans_mat[dicti[A]][dicti[B]]:
if entry[0]>= T_Length:
#match found display required info by retreiving from the structure
I have written only some functions here. I've written only the function which checks when a new entry is created for a manufacturer, but not vice-versa. You could add additional constraints like date, time etc.