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Web API - Issues with HttpContext.Current in owin for integration testing using moq

I am building a Web API application which will be hosted in an IIS environment. In order to perform end to end integration testing of my service(no mocking), I am using OWIN.

The problem is deep down in my service architecture, at the repository layer I am making use of HttpContext.Current to retrieve values from the header(say UserId). See this answer

If you look into the above code, I am making use GetUserInfo method throughout my application to fetch current user information. Another way to do is pass it as a parameter in all method(which I don't personally want to do).

I went through this great answer about including IOwinContext into the repository. I have tried it and it worked for self-hosting, but my end goal is to deploy the application on IIS.

My Questions:

  • Is there any way my code can handle both the use cases of OWIN self-hosting for integration testing & actual service deployment on IIS?
  • Is there any issue with my architecture? Something like I shouldn't be using OWIN at all, and use other tools like POSTMAN for testing.

I can post some code if it's required.


As suggested by @Nkosi I might have to mock my HeaderService in order to perform integration testing with owin. I am not sure how can I mock one certain method using moq. Here is my code. Its strip down version in order to make as simple as possible.


public class CreditController : ApiController
    private readonly ICreditService _creditService;

    public CreditController(ICreditService creditService)
        _creditService = creditService;

    public IHttpActionResult CreditSummary([FromUri]string requestId)
        var response = _creditService.GetCreditSummary(requestId);
        return Ok(response);

public class CreditService : ICreditService
    private readonly IHeaderService _headerService;
    private readonly ICreditRepository _creditRepository;

    public CreditService(ICreditRepository creditRepository, IHeaderService headerService)
        _headerService = headerService;
        _creditRepository = creditRepository;

    public CreditObj GetCreditSummary(string req)
        var userId = _headerService.GetHeaderFromHttpRequest();//Get User
        var response = _creditRepository.GetDataFromDatabase(req, userId);
        return response;

public interface IHeaderService
    string GetHeaderFromHttpRequest();

public class HeaderService : IHeaderService
    public string GetHeaderFromHttpRequest()
        return HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["USERID"];

Below is my code for integration testing: I am using OWIN for self-host. So i want to call the controller method but my GetHeaderFromHttpRequest method should return mock response.

public class IntegrationTest
    private static HttpClient _client;
    private static IDisposable _webApp;

    public static void Init(TestContext testContext)
        _webApp = WebApp.Start<Startup>(url: Url);
        _client = new HttpClient
            BaseAddress = new Uri(Url)

    public void TestDashboard()
        var headerStub = new Mock<IHeaderService>();
        headerStub.Setup(s => s.GetHeaderFromHttpRequest())

        var builder = new UriBuilder(Url + "api/Credit/CreditSummary");

        HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = _client.GetAsync(builder.ToString()).Result;

public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        var config = new HttpConfiguration();
        WebApiConfig.Register(config); //This method having all routing/dependancy configuration


  • When I debug this test case, how do I make sure that _headerService.GetHeaderFromHttpRequest() return mock response. As of now I dont know how can i inject my mocking service to actual controller method call.

Any advise?


  • Based on @Nkosi's suggestion I was able to mock HeaderService for my integration testing.

    Here is the code:

    var container = new UnityContainer();
    var mock = new Mock<IHeaderService>();
    mock.Setup(x => x.GetHeaderFromHttpRequest()).Returns("MockId");