Like in a title, I've declared bunch of variables and a function. And when I pass them through a function I've got what I expected. But running same code through parallel didn't... How to fix it?
declare -xA MAP # export associative array
declare -x str="ing" # export variable
foo() {
echo "$@"
echo "variable: ${str}"
echo "map: ${MAP[@]}"
export -f foo
foo "call function directly:"
call function directly:
variable: ing
map: baz2 baz
parallel foo ::: "call function through parallel" ::: 1 2 3
call function through parallel 1
variable: ing
call function through parallel 2
variable: ing
call function through parallel 3
variable: ing
edit after comments
It looks that accepted answer for this question is: There isn't really a good way to encode an array variable into the environment.
Which is a bit sad... ;)
From comments under the question it looks that accepted answer is: There isn't really a good way to encode an array variable into the environment.
And that's all... ;)
It looks that there is another one: Accessing Associative Arrays in GNU Parallel with quite sophisticated approach. But...
after some tinkering (as Socovi suggested that specific problem can have solutions) it looks that for my case good enough workaround is to "serialize" array in temporary file and deserialize it in function.
declare -A MAP # export associative array
declare -x str="ing" # export variable
declare -x serialized_array=$(mktemp)
# declare -p can be used to dump the definition
# of a variable as shell code ready to be interpreted
declare -p MAP > "${serialized_array}"
# perform cleanup after finishing script
cleanup() {
rm "${serialized_array}"
trap cleanup EXIT
foo() {
echo "$@"
echo "variable: ${str}"
source "${serialized_array}" # deserialize an array
echo "map: ${MAP[@]}"
export -f foo
foo "call function directly:"
call function directly:
variable: ing
map: baz2 baz
parallel foo ::: "call function through parallel" ::: 1 2 3
call function through parallel 1
variable: ing
map: baz2 baz
call function through parallel 2
variable: ing
map: baz2 baz
call function through parallel 3
variable: ing
map: baz2 baz