Is there a way in Elm to take a local time (such as the string 2019-03-18T09:10:12.4
; no offset specifed) and a timezone (such as Australia/Sydney
) to a possible Posix value (i.e, that time converted to UTC), without using ports?
There's waratuman/time-extra, but it seems to only work on the Date portion. And sadly rtfeldman/elm-iso8601-date-strings doesn't take timezones.
In JS, there's options such as moment-tz and date-fns-timezone, but it would be much simpler to avoid JS interop for frequent date parsing.
By combining justinmimbs/time-extra and justinmimbs/timezone-data, you should be able to get valid posix entirely in Elm.
First, you need to convert your timestampWithoutTimezone
to Parts
toParts : String -> Maybe Parts
toParts timestampWithoutTimezone =
|> Regex.find regex
|> .submatches
|> List.head
|> Maybe.andThen Maybe.Extra.combine
|> Maybe.andThen listToParts
regex : Regex
regex =
Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <|
Regex.fromString "^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})T(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})\\.(\\d)$"
monthLookup : Dict String Month
monthLookup =
Dict.fromList [ ( "01", Jan ), ( "02", Feb ), ( "03", Mar ), ( "04", Apr ), ( "05", May ), ( "06", Jun ), ( "07", Jul ), ( "08", Aug ), ( "09", Sep ), ( "10", Oct ), ( "11", Nov ), ( "12", Dec ) ]
listToParts : List String -> Maybe Parts
listToParts list =
toInt : Int -> Maybe Int
toInt index =
list |> List.Extra.getAt index |> Maybe.andThen String.toInt
Maybe.map2 Parts
(toInt 0)
(list |> List.Extra.getAt 1 |> Maybe.andThen (\month -> Dict.get month monthLookup))
|> Maybe.andThen (\parts -> Maybe.map5 parts (toInt 2) (toInt 3) (toInt 4) (toInt 5) (toInt 6))
Then, using partsToPosix
with the appropriate Zone
you can get a posix value:
toPosix : Time.Zone -> String -> Maybe Posix
toPosix zone timestampWithoutTimezone =
|> toParts
|> (Time.Extra.partsToPosix zone)
The library author recommends you store evaluated Zone values in your model:
model = { zone = TimeZone.australia__sydney () }
toPosix "2019-03-18T09:10:12.4"