The Bundler documentation says, that in order to install all necessary bundles when deploying via Capistrano, one need only insert
require 'bundler/capistrano' # siehe
in his deploy.rb. Then, upon deployment, Capistrano calls
* executing "bundle install --gemfile .../releases/20110403085518/Gemfile \
--path .../shared/bundle --deployment --quiet --without development test"
This works fine.
However, we have a staging setup on our production server, isolated from the real live site, where we test a new app release with (cloned and firewalled) live production data. There, we need test and development gems to be installed.
How do I specify the capistrano command line here? Are there parameters I can use, or do I need to set up my own capistrano task to overwrite Bundler's?
Thank you!
Writing different tasks would certainly keep it simple:
task :production do
# These are default settings
set :bundle_without, [:development, :test]
task :staging do
set :bundle_without, [:test]
# set :rails_env, 'staging'
However, if you want to use command line options you could switch on the supplied value:
cap deploy target=staging
And inside your deploy.rb file you could use the option value as:
if target == "staging"
set :bundle_without, [:test]
# do other stuff here
There's also a more 'proper' configuration object that you can use. I've found a reference to it here: