I'm working with golang and the MongoDB driver, I want to patch one of my objects according to the data I get from the outside:
I have a struct:
type Pivot struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
Base string `json:"base"`
And the patch (with MongoDB Update)
setMap := bson.D{
{"$set", setElements},
res, err := collection.UpdateMany(
And I want to make the setObject a little bit dynamic:
if len(pivot.Base) > 0 {
setElements.append("base", pivot.Base) //this doesn't work...
if len(pivot.Email) > 0 {
setElements.append("email", pivot.Email)
I' ve seen that the setObject can be built like
{"$set", bson.D{
{"processed", pivot.Processed},
But how can I make it dynamic?
Append a DocElem (mgo) or an E (go.mongodb.org) to the slice depending on the client you are using.
var setElements bson.D
if len(pivot.Base) > 0 {
setElements = append(setElements, bson.E{"base", pivot.Base})
if len(pivot.Email) > 0 {
setElements = append(setElements, bson.E{"email", pivot.Email})
setMap := bson.D{
{"$set", setElements},
Replace bson.E with bson.DocElem for mgo.