I am developing a webapp for a school project in Flask. I am very new to python and flask.
In function "get_absence" i am executing a mysql query and i get result. (The query is working in mysql command line and giving output 15) But my result on the html page is in the form "(Decimal('15'),)". I want to extract out the number, so that i can display only 15 on the web. How can i do that?
The result from the query goes from get_absence to API function get_info and then sent to the html page "page.html". It displays on the page as "(Decimal('15'),)".
I cannot convert from tuples to integer. Anyone?
def get_absence(database):
days = []
cur = database.cursor()
cur.execute(queries["select SUM(dates) FROM leaves WHERE
emp_id = 14"])
for a in cur:
num = a;
return a
return jsonify("Internal server error"), 500
FLASK app.py:
@app.route("/get_info/", methods=["GET"])
def get_info():
db = get_db()
cur = db.cursor(buffered=True)
days = get_absence(get_db() )
return render_template("page.html", days=days)
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
return render_template("error.html", err = err)
<h1>"{{ days }}" </h1>
When rendered, broswer shows: "(Decimal('15'),)"
The execute
method will always return a iterator where each element is a tuple that represent a row with multiples columns.
Then in your case you just take the first element from "days" tumple:
Then you will have a decimal
object. You can round it in a integer doing:
Also, if you are expecting a single element, then you can use cursor.fetchone()
in order to avoid the for loop over cur object.
You can read more info here