I launch the spoon.sh and there is a button Marketplace on Pentaho`s Welcome screen. It seems to be easily pushed, but nothing happens after pushing!
Picture of the unworking button on Welcome screen
Ways I tried to do to fix the problem which doesn`t work:
1) Run spoon.sh from sudo
2) Add extra values in .cfg file according https://community.hitachivantara.com/thread/12973-marketplace-have-problems
What else can I do to open Marketplace? It seems like a problem with dropdown windows, but also can be some another.
P.s. this happens while launching. Is it affects?
swt is not responding
I'll translate an answer on StackOverflow Pt-Br (my own answer as well). For me the solution that worked. Close your PDI, go to your PDI installation folder: ...\data-integration\system\karaf\caches\spoon\
There can be folders named data-1, data-2 .. enter in each one and delete all the content, JUST the content, not the entire folder.
Execute your Spoon.sh
When i was answering that time i found some other alternatives, but that was for version 7.0, in any case, the solution was that some versions of JDK/JRE (JAVA) were incompatible. I use JRE1.8.0_181 and JDK1.8.0_131.