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Webpack CommonsChunkPlugin

I have a webpack configuration where when a package is used more than 3 times, it is move to common package. I want to add an exception for one package which i don't want in common but is ued more than 3 times, how can i do that ?

new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
   name: 'common',
   filename: `${configuration.webpack.filenameTemplate}.js`,
   minChunks: 3,

Thanks in advance !


  • After some research, using regexp you can do a pass on specific module by naming them like this :

    new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
            name: 'specific package',
            filename: `${configuration.webpack.filenameTemplate}.js`,
            minChunks: ({ context }) => context && hasPathIn(/(\/|\\)node_modules(\/|\\)theNameOfYourPacakge(\/|\\), context),