I am trying to display the content of the page as the used has saved in the manager part.
In my view i have the following code:
@foreach (var block in Model.Blocks)
if (block is HtmlBlock htmlBlock)
<partial name="../Cms/DisplayTemplates/HtmlBlock.cshtml" for="@htmlBlock" />
if (block is HtmlColumnBlock columnBlock)
<partial name="../Cms/DisplayTemplates/HtmlColumnBlock.cshtml" for="@columnBlock" />
if (block is ImageBlock imageBlock)
<partial name="../Cms/DisplayTemplates/ImageBlock.cshtml" for="@imageBlock" />
if (block is QuoteBlock quoteBlock)
<partial name="../Cms/DisplayTemplates/ImageBlock.cshtml" for="@quoteBlock" />
if (block is TextBlock textBlock)
<partial name="../Cms/DisplayTemplates/TextBlock.cshtml" for="@textBlock" />
I am pretty sure there is an easier way to do this, but I can't find anything else.
So, if I use this approach, when i create new elements in the manager, i would have to keep extending this foreach ? Something doesn't feel right.
If i use @Html.DisplayFor(m => m.Blocks)
it only displays the namespace name. Any thoughts ?
Found the solution: In order to use @Html.DisplayFor(m => m.Blocks) you have to have the display templates for the used blocks either in the Shared Views folder, or as a sub folder inside the folder where you use @Html.DisplayFor(m => m.Blocks).
For example we have the following folders:
The possible solutions for using @Html.DisplayFor(m => m.Blocks) in the Index.cshtml file inside the Articles folder are:
Having the DisplayTemplates(with the block templates) folder inside the Articles of Shared folder.
Hope this helps