I have have no error in my code. But my condition, finally don't work.
const togglePeronsHandler = () => {
const doesShow = personsState.showPersons;
personsState.showPersons = !doesShow;
<button className="btn btn-sm btn-primary"
onClick={togglePeronsHandler}>Toggle Person
<div className="persons">
personsState.showPersons === true ?
personsState.persons.map( (item, index) => (
<Person name={ item.name }
age={ item.age }
) :
<div className="alert alert-info">No body</div>
When I click on button, personsState.showPersons passed true/false. But rendering it wasn't effect…
At origin, i have change setPersonState but it didn't do anything...
Sandbox : https://codesandbox.io/s/3yn05lro81
Since personsState is immutable, you can't re-assign it. You have to set it with setPersonsState like you did in the other functions.
I see you need the previous state in order to do that (that's probably where your confusion came from). Apart from the object syntax of setState({...newState}) there is another syntax that takes a callback function: setState(previousState => { return {...newState} }). This is solved using this callback setState syntax.
This way, your togglePersonsHandler function would look like this:
const togglePersonsHandler = () => {
setPersonsState(previousPersonsState => {
const doesShow = previousPersonsState.showPersons;
return {
showPersons: !doesShow
Good luck!