I import WinHTTP and try execute a request in a https url, like this:
function TForm1.GetPage(AURL: String): String;
WinHttpRequest: IWinHTTPRequest;
WinHttpRequest := CoWinHttpRequest.Create;
WinHttpRequest.Open('GET', AURL, False);
Result := WinHttpRequest.ResponseText;
WinHTTPRequest := nil;
It works in same pages (ex: https://www.google.com), but not in others (ex: https://sourceforge.net), with error "The connection with the server was terminated abnormally".
Are there any additional settings I'm forgetting?
I'm using Delphi 2010.
Most servers have migrated away from accepting SSL incoming traffic in favor of TLS protocol. Windows 7 and 8 do not have TLS protocol defined and hence VBA sendss traffic with SSL which is then blocked/dropped by such servers.
You will need to apply a 2-step patch/update to fix this for windows 7,
Step 1. Get Microsoft Update: Download relevant (32-bits or 64-bits of user's Windows version) Microsoft Security Protocol Update and install if not already install.
Step 2. Download Microsoft Easy Fix: Download Microsoft “Easy Fix” from Microsoft Support Article, and execute to set TLS 1.1+ as default.
Source : Update to enable TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 as default secure protocols in WinHTTP in Windows