My disks are configured for 40 GiB and 300 GiB, yet Azure is over-charging me for 128 GiB (E10) and 512 GiB (S20).
Pricing is here
I'm fine getting charged for mounted space in Linux that's free space. Yet, getting automatic assignment of larger disks and getting charged for space that I can't potentially use seem not fair.
I'd like to consolidate everything on a single E15 disk (256 GiB). Yet, when configuring disk, how to avoid getting much larger disks than I need?
you should be getting charged for 64gb disks. breakdowns are:
32, 64, 128, 256, 512, etc
disk size is rounded up, so if you have 33 gib disk, you are being billed for 64 gib, and so on.