I want to build a relatively simple web app using Pharo, Voyage and MongoDB + TeaPot. Before I start the project I did a lot of research and one question remains: How do I initially upload a bunch of data into the MongoDB? I basically have the data in CSV format. Do I have to program an importer in Smalltalk that does that? If I were to do it without smalltalk it would be missing all the object IDs etc. How do you go about things like that?
Thanks, Henrik
If you have data in CSV
format, then I would recommend creating a simple importer. You could use NeoCSV
and then save it via Pharo. I presume you know how to setup Mongo repository (@workspace) do:
| repository |
repository := VOMongoRepository
host: VOMongoRepository defaultHost
database: 'MyMongoDb'.
VORepository setRepository: repository.
First create your two class methods for Voyage:
Kid class >> isVoyageRoot
^ true "instances of this object will be root"
Kid class >> voyageCollectionName
^ 'Kids' "The collection name in MongoDB"
The Kid class should have firstName(:)
, surname(:)
, age(:)
accesors and instance variables of the same name.
Then simply have a reading from CSV
and then saving it into mongoDB
| personalInformation readData columnName columnData aKid |
"init variable"
personalInformation := OrderedDictionary new.
"emulate CSV reading"
readData := (NeoCSVReader on: 'firstName, surname, age\John, Smith, 5' withCRs readStream) upToEnd.
columnName := readData first.
columnData := readData second.
"Repeat for as many number of columns you may have"
1 to: columnName size do: [ :index |
personalInformation at: (columnName at: index) put: (columnData at: index)
aKid := Kid new.
"Storing Kid object information"
personalInformation keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
aKid perform: (key asString,$:) asSymbol with: value "For every column store the information into a Kid object (you have to have accessors for that)"
aKid save "Saving into mongoDB"
This is only to give you rough idea
To query in your MongoDB do:
You should see the stored information.
Disclaimer: Even thou the code should be fine, I did not have time to actually test it on mongoDB.