I have a fresh install of native base + expo and I'm trying to make a list. Usually, no problem but today something just aint right.
And the code which makes this list.
<ListItem avatar>
<Thumbnail source={{ uri: 'http://i.pravatar.cc/100' }} />
<Text>Awesome group</Text>
<Text note>Awesome group</Text>
<ListItem avatar>
<Thumbnail source={{ uri: 'http://i.pravatar.cc/100' }} />
<Text>Awesome group</Text>
<Text note>Awesome group</Text>
<ListItem avatar>
<Thumbnail source={{ uri: 'http://i.pravatar.cc/100' }} />
<Text>Awesome group</Text>
<Text note>Awesome group</Text>
Really, according to the native base docs, it should actually look like this:
It seems like it doesn't apply a lot of the styling driven from the props. E.G the note
prop on the second line of text doesn't apply and I assume the heights are broken because the avatar
prop of the list itself does not apply.
Any suggestions?
Ok so it turns out this is because I had the extends setup like this:
class App extends React.Component {
But for NativeBase to pick up things properly, you need to import Component and use it like this
import React, {Component} from 'react';
class App extends Component {
And then it all just works :)