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The cast can never be succeed

I am new in Kotlin and I currently study about the concept of OOP

I am trying to do a cast with this code, but I'm facing an error:

    open class Operations1(){
        open  fun sum(n1:Int , n2:Int):Int{
            return n1+ n2
        fun sub(n1:Int , n2:Int):Int{
            return n1- n2
    class multiOperations1():Operations(){
        override  fun sum(n1:Int , n2:Int):Int{
            return n1+ n2 +5
        fun mul(n1:Int , n2:Int):Int{
            return n1* n2
        fun div(n1:Int , n2:Int):Int{
            return n1/ n2
    fun main(args:Array<String>){

        var oper = Operations()
        var inlit  = multiOperations1() as Operations1
        println("Enter first number")
        var n1:Int = readLine()!!.toInt()
        println("Enter Second Number")
        var n2:Int = readLine()!!.toInt()

        var sum = inlit.sum(n1 , n2)
        var sub = inlit.sub(n1 , n2)
        println("Sum: " + sum)
        println("Sub: " + sub)

Screen shot of the code

This is the screen shot of the code


This is the error which my program through


  • To achieve you can use Gson and avoid boilerplate code.

    var operation= Operations(....)
    val json = Gson().toJson(operation)
    val multiOperations:MultiOperations =Gson().fromJson(json,