My application is in Angular 7 deployed on Openshift with Docker image.
I want my application url to be like https://ocp-1123/projectname/client , when i tried to set my base href with "/projectname/client" it throws errors as in picture.
But when I set my base href with "/projectname" or just "/" , it works perfectly fine. I am not sure if there is any restriction of usage of multiple path context in base href..? Please suggest .
Thank you.
You need an additional /
in the end:
<base href="/projectname/client/">
as per the doc:
But on the shared or production server, you might serve the app from a subfolder. For example, when the URL to load the app is something like
, the subfolder is my/app/
and you should add <base href="/my/app/">
to the server version of the index.html.