I am working on Django project that currently uses ElastiCache Redis 3.2.6 with multiple nodes in a "master/slave" configuration using the "redis_cache.RedisCache" backend. This works fine currently.
However, I am in the process of migrating the project to a new ElastiCache Redis 5.0.3 instance with cluster mode enabled turned on. I have been unsuccessful in finding any documented method of configuring a connection from Django to ElastiCache's configuration endpoint for a Redis cluster. The closest thing I've found is this comment on the django-redis GitHub but when I try that configuration I get an error that says:
rediscluster.exceptions.RedisClusterException: Redis Cluster cannot be connected. Please provide at least one reachable node.
Is there some better way to accomplish this that I'm missing?
I figured it out. Here's a working config:
"default": {
'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache',
'REDIS_CLIENT_CLASS': 'rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster',
'CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS': 'rediscluster.connection.ClusterConnectionPool',
'skip_full_coverage_check': True # AWS ElasticCache has disabled CONFIG commands