I am trying out Azure Machine Learning Service to deploy a ML model as web service.
I have already registered a model and now would like to deploy it as web service following the guide using Azure (Python) Notebooks.
The step
service = Webservice.deploy_from_model(my-model-svc',
fails for me with
Creating image
Image creation operation finished for image my-model-svc:5, operation "Succeeded" Creating service
FailedACI service creation operation finished, operation
"Failed" Service creation polling reached terminal state, current service state: Transitioning Service creation polling reached terminal state, unexpected response received.
Not sure about what could be the root cause, as (AFAIK) I have no ways to access logs of the deployment in Azure portal.
Can someone shed some light on this?
I think that your init
function is failing. I would first try to isolate the image creation from the image deployment, and just test the image first:
az acr login -n <container-registry>
docker run -p 8000:5001 <container-registry>.azurecr.io/<image-name>:<image-version>
# basically, the entire image location, see pic below
POST http://localhost:8000/score
Content-Type: application/json
is the name of the Container Registry
associated with the ML Workspace, you can also extract it from the image location, taking care to remove everything after the first dot: