I have a basic Wright-Fisher simulation for two alleles that works wonderfully, and produces a good looking plot showing the allele fixing or dying out by chance as expected. It exports every generation as calculated into a data frame d, so I have the values at each generation to hand. What I want to do is run the whole thing say 20 times and store each complete simulation in a new column automatically, so I can plot all of them on a ggplot graph with colours and all that good stuff. I'm mostly interested in getting a tidy frame to make good-looking plots for a project rather than breakneck efficiency.
#Wright Fisher model Mk1
#Simulation Parameters
# n = pop.size
# f = frequency of focal allele
# x = number of focal allele, do not set by hand
# y = number of the other allele, do not set by hand
# g = generations desired
n = 200
f = 0.6
x = (n*f)
y = (n-x)
g = 200
#This creates a data frame of the correct size to store each generation
d = data.frame(f = rep(0,g))
#Creates the graph.
plot(1,0, type = "n", xlim = c(1,200), ylim = c(0,n),
xlab = "Generation", ylab = "Frequency A")
#Creates the population, this model is limited to only two alleles, and can only plot one
alleles<- c(rep("A",x), rep("a",y))
#this is the loop that actually simulates the population
#It has code for plotting each generation on the graph as a point
#Exports the number of focal allele A to the data frame
for (i in 1:g){
alleles <- sample(alleles, n, replace = TRUE)
points(i, length(alleles[alleles=="A"]), pch = 19, col= "red")
F = sum(alleles == "A")
d[i, ] = c(F)
So I want to run that last bit multiple times and store each complete iteration somehow. I know I could loop the function by nesting it, even though this is quick and dirty, but doing this only stores the values of the last iteration of the outer loop.
There's a lot of opportunity for improvement here, but this should get you going. I am only showing five simulations, but you should be able to extend. In essence, place the bulk of your code a function and then you can use either map
functions from the purrr
package or you could also do something with replicate
n = 200
f = 0.6
x = (n*f)
y = (n-x)
g = 200
d = data.frame(f = rep(0,g))
run_sim <- function() {
alleles <- c(rep("A", x), rep("a", y))
for (i in 1:g) {
alleles <- sample(alleles, n, replace = TRUE)
cnt_A = sum(alleles == "A")
d[i, ] = c(cnt_A)
sims <- paste0("sim_", 1:5)
set.seed(4) # for reproducibility
sims %>%
map_dfc(~ run_sim()) %>%
set_names(sims) %>%
gather(simulation, results) %>%
group_by(simulation) %>%
mutate(period = row_number()) %>%
ggplot(., aes(x = period, y = results, group = simulation, color = simulation)) +
Created on 2019-03-21 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)
NOTE: You could also add arguments to the run_sim
function for say x
and y
(i.e., run_sim <- function(x, y) { ... }
), which would allow you to explore other possibilities.