Is there a way to step by step debug the object initializer code in Visual Studio?
return new Veranstaltung()
ID = tblVeranstaltung.VeranstaltungsID,
Titel = tblVeranstaltung.Titel,
KursNummer = tblVeranstaltung.Kursnummer,
ErsterTermin = tblVeranstaltung.ersterTermin,
Dauer = tblVeranstaltung.schulungsTage,
StartZeit = tblVeranstaltung.BeginnZeit,
EndZeit = tblVeranstaltung.Endzeit,
KostenNettoValue = tblVeranstaltung.PreisNetto ?? default(decimal),
IsLastMinute = tblVeranstaltung.lastMinute == 1,
IsVerkuerzt = tblVeranstaltung.istVerkuerzt == 1,
IsGeschlossen = tblVeranstaltung.istGeschlosseneVeranstaltung == 1,
IsIntern = tblVeranstaltung.istInterneVeranstaltung == 1,
StandortID = Convert.ToInt32(tblVeranstaltung.StandortID),
LastMinuteRabatt = tblVeranstaltung.lastMinuteRabatt ?? default(decimal)
Sometimes I get errors in this kind of code (for example when a conversion to int fails) and VS seems to be unable to step through it, it just throws an error for the whole line and I have to try out which of the initializations failed.
Is there an easy way to debug this or is it better to avoid the object initializer for large or complex initializiations?
I am using VS 2010 and C# 4.0.
Object initializers should be kept for simple object initialization. If you are in the point where your object constructor has code that may fail (e.g. throwing an exception), don't use it. Better rely on an object construction pattern, which depending on your needs may be a factory method, an abstract factory,etc... This also ensures that all the users of your class cannot build an instance that is in an invalid state (e.g. they forget to initialize a member, or they initialize related members with incorrect values, etc...)