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SPARQL query help needed for DBpedia all programming language details

This is the query I am running to get these details of All programming languages.Every programming language has some influenced other languages or influenced by other language. So there may be many languages in influenced or influenced by. Now the prob is when it is printing all the values of it prints every values separately in rows. You can look into the picture. I want all its influenced or influencedBy programming languages in a single row. Query is below.

SELECT ?pl ?abstract ?influenced ?influencedBy
    WHERE { 
        ?pl dbo:abstract ?abstract .
            ?pl dbo:influenced ?influenced .
            ?pl dbo:influencedBy ?influencedBy .
            ?pl rdf:type dbo:ProgrammingLanguage .
            FILTER (LANG(?abstract) = 'en') .

Screen shot of my result Screen shot of my result

You can see that This language has two influencedBy values and it is printing them in separate rows.

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  • As @AKSW said, something like --

    SELECT                                                      ?pl 
           ( group_concat ( ?_influenced; separator="; " )   AS ?influenced )
           ( group_concat ( ?_influencedBy; separator="; " ) AS ?influencedBy ) 
      { ?pl  dbo:abstract      ?abstract . 
        ?pl  dbo:influenced    ?_influenced . 
        ?pl  dbo:influencedBy  ?_influencedBy . 
        ?pl  rdf:type          dbo:ProgrammingLanguage . 
        FILTER ( LANG ( ?abstract ) = 'en' ) . 
    GROUP BY ?pl ?abstract

    Edit to Add

    To get the ?pl_label (and I'm guessing, the ?_influenced_label and ?_influencedBy_label) you now say you want, you will need (and/or want) to tweak things a bit...

    SELECT                                                            ?pl 
           ( group_concat ( DISTINCT ?_influenced_label; separator="; " )   AS ?influenced )
           ( group_concat ( DISTINCT ?_influencedBy_label; separator="; " ) AS ?influencedBy ) 
      { ?pl             rdf:type          dbo:ProgrammingLanguage .
        ?pl             dbo:abstract      ?abstract . 
                        FILTER ( LANG ( ?abstract ) = 'en' ) 
        ?pl             rdfs:label         ?pl_label
                        FILTER ( LANG ( ?pl_label ) = 'en' ) .
        ?pl             dbo:influenced    ?_influenced . 
        ?_influenced    rdfs:label         ?_influenced_label
                        FILTER ( LANG ( ?_influenced_label ) = 'en' ) .
        ?pl             dbo:influencedBy  ?_influencedBy . 
        ?_influencedBy  rdfs:label         ?_influencedBy_label
                        FILTER ( LANG ( ?_influencedBy_label ) = 'en' ) .
    GROUP BY ?pl ?pl_label ?abstract