Is there a way to send email from Twilio function? I understand that we can use sendgrid. I am looking a simpler solution.
Twilio evangelist here. 👋
As of now, you can use SendGrid from within a Twilio Function. The code below does the job for me and I just sent an email via a function
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const sgMail = require('@sendgrid/mail');
const msg = {
to: '',
from: '',
subject: 'Sending with SendGrid is Fun',
text: 'and easy to do anywhere, even with Node.js',
html: '<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Node.js</strong>',
.then(() => {
callback(null, 'Email sent...');
.catch((e) => {
The above email will most like end up in spam as
is not a very trust worthy email address. If you want to send emails from your own domains additional configuration is needed.
To run the code inside of the function, you have to make sure to install the sendgrid/mail
mail dependency and provide the sendgrid token in the function configuration.
If you want to use this function to power e.g. messages you have to make sure that your return valid TwiML. :) When you create a new function you will get examples showing on how to do that.
Hope that helps. :)