I am trying to get all the streaming locators for a given asset using the v3 API and the Microsoft.Azure.Management.Media
package but I am getting a bad request error using Odata Queries:
It fails on this line: var locator = client.StreamingLocators.List("webinars", "webinars", new ODataQuery<StreamingLocator>(x=>x.AssetName == assetId));
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Media.Models.ApiErrorException: Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'
When I use it without the ODataQuery, it returns fine.
public IList<string> GetLocatorForAsset() {
var assetId = "bb4953cf-4793-4b3c-aed8-ae1bec88a339";
IList<string> streamingUrls = new List<string>();
var locator = client.StreamingLocators.List("webinars", "webinars", new ODataQuery<StreamingLocator>(x=>x.AssetName == assetId));
ListPathsResponse paths = client.StreamingLocators.ListPaths("webinars", "webinars", locator.FirstOrDefault().Name);
foreach (StreamingPath path in paths.StreamingPaths) {
UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder();
uriBuilder.Scheme = "https";
uriBuilder.Host = "webinars-use2.streaming.media.azure.net";
uriBuilder.Path = path.Paths[0];
return streamingUrls;
As per media services filtering documentation, user can filter "Streaming Locators" only by "name", "properties.created" and "properties.endTime".
In your example, you are trying to filter using assetId/assetName which is not supported. hence 400 Bad request error. see detailed error example in postman
Here is the valid filtering example using Streaming Locator "name" tag.
NOTE : This is not an asset Tag
C# example used to successfully filter streaming locator using "name"
// GUID need to be specified in single quote. using OData v 3.0
var odataquery = new ODataQuery<StreamingLocator>("name eq '65a1cb0d-ce7c-4470-93ac-fedf66450ea0'");
IPage<StreamingLocator> locators = client.StreamingLocators.List("mediatest", "mymediatestaccount", odataquery);
ListPathsResponse paths = client.StreamingLocators.ListPaths("mediatest", "mymediatestaccount", locators.FirstOrDefault().Name);
foreach (StreamingPath path in paths.StreamingPaths)
UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder();
uriBuilder.Scheme = "https";
uriBuilder.Host = "webinars-use2.streaming.media.azure.net";
uriBuilder.Path = path.Paths[0];
catch (Exception ex)
I hope this helps.