I'd like to align these lines of code:
let cty = -- trace ("new var " ++ (show vname) ++ " " ++ (show exp1))
synthTy ctx vtype
newctx = C.addLocalVar ctx vname cty
ckd = checkExp newctx exp1 cty
like this:
let cty = -- trace ("new var " ++ (show vname) ++ " " ++ (show exp1))
synthTy ctx vtype
newctx = C.addLocalVar ctx vname cty
ckd = checkExp newctx exp1 cty
With the tabular plugin for vim, if I highlight all the lines and type :Tab /=
, they align as I've typed them in the first case. I'd like them to line up like the second case. How can I get the second line to match with the second group instead of the first? I can cheat and add an equals before the words on the 2nd line, but I think there's got to be a better way.
Try this:
:Tabularize/=.*$\|^\s*\zs [^=]\+$