I have a project in django and i am trying to render html to pdf.
I'm trying to build a table, and i have two varaibles date1
and date2
and i need to do a Diff
between date1
and date2
If the result is more than 20 woriking days
show 1
if not show 0
{% for item in obj %}
{% if item.date1 - item.date2 > 20 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
You can add a method in the model to calculate difference, then use it in the templates/pdf. For example:
class SomeView(models.Model):
# .. fields
def date_diff(self):
diff = self.date1 - self.date2 # returns time delta object
return abs(diff.days)
And use it in template:
{% for item in obj %}
{% if item.date_diff > 20 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}