Search code examples


PREFIX content: <>
construct { ?s content:field ?o}
WHERE { ?s content:field ?o }

90% of all the ?o I get here are the same URI <>.

I'm trying to find a way to filter out all quads that have the same value for ?o, so in the end I get a list of quads which are unique by its ?o

I tried DISTINCT ?o CONSTRUCT{...} but from what I saw you cant use DISTINCT on a CONSTRUCT.

How would you filter the returned list of quads


  • I'm trying to find a way to filter out all quads that have the same value for ?o, so in the end I get a list of quads which are unique by its ?o

    if it does not matter which exact value is bound to ?s, then a sub-select with a group by ?o is the way to go. Use (SAMPLE(?s) as ?subj) e.g. something like: `

    PREFIX content: <>
    construct { ?s content:field ?o}
    WHERE { 
        { select ?o (SAMPLE(?subj) as ?s) 
            { ?subj content:field ?o } 
        group by ?o 
